SUMMATIVE: History Animation

Project Brief

Similar to our digital animations, except now you will choose a point in history to animate:

Choose an Event


Example of finished animation and storyboard (on the right):

Take a Photo of Storyboard with iPad

On IMac: Turn on AirDrop

Find iMac Name & Airdrop

Move Your Image to Your Creative Cloud FIles

Brush Ninja

"Onion Skinning"

Adjust Animation Speed

Choose a Background

Create Frames

Create Shapes

Move Shapes

Copy Shapes

Change Color

Duplicate Frames

Create 50+ Frames

Save Your Work in between class days

To make sure you don't lose your work between class days:

Open Saved Work from Previous Class Day

Requirements Check

Export GIF

Export Frame Sheet (Comic)

Move Your Files to Your Creative Cloud FIles

Upload to Canvas