Download the Shared Drive
Open Finder
In sidebar under the "Locations" area, select "Google Drive"
Click "Shared drives" > "Video Production 2" > "2425 T2 Short Film"
On the "Start Here" folder, click the little cloud icon and it will start to download.
Wait for it to finish downloading.
If you don't see "Google Drive" in Finder
Click on the Google Drive icon in your top menu bar
Click the gear icon then "Preferences"
Click "Google Drive Folders from Drive"
Click "Open in Finder
If you don't see the Drive icon in the top menu bar
In Launchpad, click "Google Drive"
If nothing happens, restart your computer.
Assign Roles
Go to:
Assign post-production roles (type in your group's column who's doing which roles)
I have already gone in and found the audio and synced in Premiere Pro. There is a starter project file there for you to use. You're welcome <3
Complete your roles. You can only have your project open on one computer at a time.
If people are absent, do not let it slow you down as a group. Swap roles or make up for people as needed and make note of it.
Open the Premiere Pro project: “Short Film Starter.prproj”.
File > Save As.. and rename by replacing “Starter” with all of your names.
Mute the audio track that the scratch video footage audio is on, select each dialogue and auto-match loudness.
Review video footage and trim unnecessary parts of the starts/ends of each clip
(Scene 1) Choose, download, and import the school bell ringing sound effect.
(Scene 2) Choose which take to go with (Day 1 or Day 2)
(Scene 2) Choose, download, and import music that Adri is listening to on loop, tag, auto-match loudness
(Scene 4, 6, 11, 15) Add in half-time show audio (copy from scene 12)
Edit: Scene 8 should cutaway to Scene 7
(Scene 9, 11) Add in intercom audio from scene 7
Create title intro at the start (text, effects, etc.)
Create credits at the end (text, effects, etc.)
Other stuff?
Screenshot and export to the shared Google Drive folder
Add the final film and screenshot to personal Google Drive and submit link on Canvas.
On Canvas, individually: submit a link to your "Video Production 2" > "Short Film" Google Drive folder, which should include:
Exported short film
Screenshot of editing timeline