Portfolios are one of the most important parts to getting a job in the design industry.
A curated collection of your best work.
Easily show potential employers or clients.
By the end of the trimester, in your "Video Production" Google Drive folder, you should have:
A folder for each summative including:
the final version of each of your videos/animations
a screenshot of your editing timeline
For Premiere Pro projects: a compressed folder (.zip file) with all project files (copied from the "Project Manager")
Initial Setup
Create Google Drive Folder
Sign into Google Drive with your school email.
Click "+ New" then "New folder"
Name your folder "Video Production" and click "Create"
Double-click on your new folder to open.
Change Share Settings
Go back to the main "Video Production" folderÂ
Click on the "Video Production" title, then "Share"
Under "General access" choose "Bethel School District"
Click "Copy link"
Click "Done"
Submit to Canvas
Go to Canvas
Click "Submit Assignment"
Click in the text entry area.
On your keyboard, click "cmd" + "V" to paste the link.
Click "Submit Assignment"