Continuous Line Trace
Find & Save a Photo
Find an image you want to use:
Search online, right-click and click "Save Image As..."
Find an image in your camera roll and add to your Google Drive
Save to "My Drive" > "Graphic Design" > "6- Tech"
Start Illustrator File
Open Illustrator
Click the "New File" blue button
Click on the "Print" tab
Click "View all Presets"
Click "Tabloid"
Change the units from "Points" to "Inches"
Click "Create"
Save as .aic File
In the very top toolbar, click "File" > "Save As..."
Click "Save to Creative Cloud"
In the "Save As" text bar, rename your file to be:
"Last Name, Line"
Click "Save"
Add Your Image
Open Finder and find your downloaded images in your "My Drive" > "Graphic Design" > "6 - Tech" folder.
Drag the images to Illustrator.
Make sure it is selected and in the "Properties" panel, at the bottom under "Quick Actions" click "Embed"
Resize as you wish (remember to hold "shift" on your keyboard so it doesn't get squished).
Make Layers
In your "Layers" panel, rename "Layer 1" to "Photo"
Lock your layer.
Select your "Photo" layer and click the 3 lines in the top right of the panel. Select "Template"
Make a new layer titled "Trace"
Adjust Properties
In Properties (or on the left toolbar), change the fill/stroke:
Fill: None
Stroke: Black
Trace Your photo
Using your "Curvature Tool" or "Pen Tool" use one continuous line to trace the details of your photo.
You can hide your "Image" layer to see what it will look like when you export.
Because your file is saved on Creative Cloud, it will be a ".aic" file - this means Illustrator saves your file every 5 minutes.
If you see an asterisk (*), that means there are unsaved changes.
To save, in the top menu, click "File" > "Save"
If "Save" is grayed out, it means your file has already been automatically saved.
Save as a PDF File
Go to "File" > "Save As..."
Click "Save on your computer"
Make sure it is going to save in "My Drive" > "Graphic Design" > "6 - Tech"
Change the Format to "Adobe PDF (pdf)"
Click "Save"
Submit Google Drive Link to Canvas
In Finder:
Right-click on "Graphic Design" and click "Copy link to clipboard"
Paste the link in Canvas.