Handwriting Font
Save the Template & Open Fresco
Open Adobe Fresco
Start a new document: tap "+ Create new"
Tap "Letter"
Save the template photo on the right to your photos
Upload the photo to Fresco.
Write Your Characters
On the template, write each character in each individual box.
Quick Export
Click the export icon
Click "Quick export"
Click "AirDrop"
On IMac: Turn on AirDrop
On your iMac open Finder
Go to "AirDrop"
Make sure it says "Everyone" (click "No One" to change)
Find iMac Name & Airdrop
Look for the sticker on the bottom right of your iMac that says "AirDrop Name"
If there is no sticker:
From the Launchpad, open System Settings and go to "Bluetooth"
Find "Now discoverable as: _______"
iPad: Look for that name on your iPad's AirDrop and tap to send.
Accept File on iMac
iMac: Click "Accept" on your iMac
Your photo will be saved to your "Downloads" folder in Finder
iMac: Create a Calligraphr Account
On your iMac go to calligraphr.com
Enter your school email and your normal school password (so you remember it)
Check the box next to "I agree..."
Click "SUBMIT"
Log into Gmail with your school email and find the email from Calligraphr.
Click on the link in the email to confirm your account.
Go back to calligraphr.com and log in.
Upload Template
In Calligraphr click "MY FONTS" in the top left purple menu bar
Click "Upload Template" in gray menu bar
Click "Choose File" and locate template image in downloads folder.
Once it is finished processing, scroll down on the page and click "ADD CHARACTERS TO YOUR FONT"
Download Font
Click "Build Font"
Adjust the Font Name to be "First Name's Handwriting" (Ex: "Bob's Handwriting")
Click "BUILD"
Click on the file ending with ".otf" to download.
Add .OFT File to Google Drive
Set Up Finder
Go to your Finder in your dock.
Select the "Columns" icon or choose "as Columns" in the dropdown list.
Select "Kind" the next dropdown to the right.
Create "3 - Typography"
Open up "My Drive" and navigate to your "Graphic Design" folder.
In the blank space under your first two folders, right-click and click "New Folder"
Rename the folder "3 - Typography"
Move .otf File
Right-click on "Downloads" and click "Open in New Tab"
Drag the .otf file to the "3 - Typgoraphy" tab.
Install Font
Double-click on the .otf file and click "Install Font"
Create File in Illustrator
Open Adobe Illustrator and create a new "Letter" file.
Save as A Creative Cloud File
Go to "File" > "Save As..."
Click "Save to Creative Cloud"
Name it "Last Name, Handwriting"
Click "Save"
Create a Text Box
Use the Type Tool to create a new text box.
Type your First and Last Name.
Adjust Text
In the right side Properties toolbar under "Character" search for your font (it should be titled with your first name)
Then change the size to something between 150-200pt.
Type Each Character
Make a new text box
Adjust the size to 36 pt.
Type each character or copy and paste the following:
Save as a PDF File
Go to "File" > "Save As..."
Click "Save on your computer"
Click the down arrow to the right of "Where"
Choose "My Drive" > "Graphic Design" > "3 - Typography"
Change the Format to "Adobe PDF (pdf)"
Click "Save"
Click "Save PDF"
Submit Google Drive Link to Canvas
In Finder:
Right-click on "Graphic Design" and click "Copy link to clipboard"
Paste the link in Canvas.