Project Brief

For this project, you will be INDIVIDUALLY brainstorming your own short film with a story arc. 

Then as a group, you will decide on and produce one film.

Content Restrictions

While many important issues can be tackled with the power of film, your film must be positive and school-appropriate. The following content is not allowed:

Pre-Production / Pitch

Story Arc Review & Example


Inciting Incident

Rising Action


Falling Action



Set-Up: We meet our two main characters, Jake and Alex, who are in the cafeteria of their school. They strike up a conversation about their favorite types of cheese, which leads to a debate about cheddar cheese versus American cheese.

Inciting Incident: Jake and Alex's debate starts to get more intense, drawing the attention of other students in the cafeteria who begin to take sides.

Rising Action: The debate between Jake and Alex escalates as they bring up various arguments in favor of their preferred cheese. The other students start to take sides and the tension in the room increases.

Climax: The debate comes to a head as Jake and Alex become so focused on their argument that they accidentally knock over a tray of food, causing a big mess in the cafeteria.

Falling Action: The chaos dies down as the students realize what's happened and start to clean up the mess together. Jake and Alex come to a realization that their argument over cheese wasn't worth causing such a disruption.

Resolution: In the end, Jake and Alex come to a mutual agreement that both cheddar cheese and American cheese have their own unique qualities and are equally delicious. They share a laugh and continue their day as friends.

Pitch to Executive Producer

Download Pre-Production / Pitch as a PDF

Pitch to Group

Once you have been approved by the Executive Director:

Choose Who's Film to Produce

Once everyone has pitched their stories


Post Production

As a group, edit your video. Everyone should be crowded around one computer, making decisions together.

Transfer Videos to iMac

Gather/Download Audio


Sound Effects


Name Premiere Pro Project


Screenshot Editing Timeline

Export Your Video

Upload to Canvas