Project Brief
Film and edit a short narrative scene including:
2 people talking (OTS shot/reverse shot)
2 different cuts: Use an L-Cut, J-Cut, Jump Cut (jump time), Match Cut
3 different transitions: Fade In, Fade Out, and Cross Dissolve
As a camera group, either come up with your own script or use the sample script below.
If you are writing your own scene, you can try out Arc Studio.
Sample Script
As a camera group, film your scene.
You will be using a double-system audio set-up.
You must be the camera director for at least 1 shot in the final video that you submit.
If you are acting, you must direct an insert shot, location shot, or a shot of a different actor.
You will need to identify which shot(s) you directed in your reflection.
You must edit your own video.
You will need to submit a screenshot of your editing timeline that shows the different cuts and explain which cuts/transitions you used and the timecodes.
OTS Shot/Reverse Shot
OTS: Over the shoulder
Multiple shots edited together in a way that alternates characters
Typically to show both sides of a conversation situation.
Cuts (must use 2)
J-Cut vs. L-Cut
J-Cut: audio starts before the video
L-Cut: audio goes past video
Match Cut
Connects two shots based on a visual or auditory similarity between them
Create a seamless/continuous flow between the shots.
This similarity can be in terms of shape, movement, color, or any other visual element.
Establish a visual or conceptual link between two different scenes or to draw attention to a particular detail.
Jump Cut
Sudden, blatant transition from one scene to the next or a skip of action in the same scene (jump in time).
Purposely breaks continuity to make audiences pay attention to a specific detail or feel a certain emotion.
Transitions (Must Use All 3)
Fade In & Fade Out
Use keyframes (Effects Controls) to change opacity overtime:
Fade In: 0% > 100%
Fade Out: 100% > 0%
How to Use Cross Dissolve
In Premiere Pro, go to the "Window" > "Workspace" > "Effects"
In the right-side panel open "Effects"
Search for "Dissolve"
Drag "Cross Dissolve" onto a transition of videos in your timeline
Export & Screenshot
Export your video
Take a screenshot of your editing timeline
Upload and Reflect
Upload your video and screenshot on Canvas
Respond to the reflection questions in the comment area