Intertwined Name
Open Creative Cloud
Open Creative Cloud from your Dock.
Login if needed (Continue with Google)
In Creative Cloud, if you don't see "Illustrator" make sure to select the "Apps" tab in the top toolbar.
Click "Open" to the right of Illustrator.
Create a Horizontal Letter Project
Select "Letter"
Change the Orientation to landscape (Width: 11 / Height: 8.5)
Click "Create"
Create a Background Color Rectangle
Use the "Rectangle Tool" to create a background.
Choose a color.
In your "Layers" panel, lock "Layer 1" and create a new layer.
Activate 2 Adobe Fonts
Go to Adobe Fonts and in the top right corner click "Sign In" and sign in.
Find 2 fonts that you like that are fairly different from each other in terms of style.
On the left side toolbar, you can click on different tags and classifications or you can just scroll through the pages
When you find a font you like:
Click on the font to open it
In the top right corner click the slider next to "Activate # Font(s)" so that it turns blue.
Typeset First & Last Name
In one textbox: write your first name and set it to one of your activated fonts.
In another textbox: write your last name and set it to the other activated font.
Adjust the size so they take up most of the width of the page.
Change one of the colors so they are different.
Draw an Additional Element
Using the Paintbrush, Pen, or Curvature tool, draw something that overlaps with your text.
Change the color so that it is different from both of your text box colors.
Select all the objects by either:
clicking and dragging to envelope all
holding shift down while you click all
Click "Object" > "Intertwine" > "Make"
Hover over an overlap that you want to swap and click.
You can also right-click to choose different arrangement options
Once you deselect it, if you want to go back and edit, select then click "Object" > "Intertwine" > "Edit"
Typeset "Designer" x2
Using the "Type Tool" type "Designer" and set it to one of the fonts but the opposite color used with the font above.
Repeat but with the other font and the opposite color as before.
Adjust the sizes so the letters overlap and overall it is smaller than your name above.
Intertwine (see instructions above)
Save as a PDF File
Go to "File" > "Save As..."
Click "Save on your computer"
Select "Creative Cloud Files"
Change the Format to "Adobe PDF (pdf)"
Click "Save"
Click "Save PDF"
Turn in PDF to Canvas
Turn in your .pdf file on Canvas.
"I'm Done"
Bored? Check out the "I'm Done" activities.