SUMMATIVE: Portfolio & Demo Reel
Demo Reel
A demo reel highlights the best sequences of a filmmaker's previous work.
It is the best way for filmmakers to showcase their capabilities and creative competency.
Your reel should be presenting only your best work, not every project you have ever worked on.
Professional: 90 seconds - 2 minutes max
Edit your best shots in a fast-paced montage, set to music
Include at least 15 shots/videos that you filmed
Include background music, mark music, and align transitions
The entire demo reel should be less than 30 seconds - 1 minute
Each clip should be less than 5 seconds
Include a "slate" at the end
Find Background Music
Find a song with speedy beats during a 30 second chunk
Click "Download"
Move your downloaded music to your "My Drive" > "Video Production 2" > "Demo Reel"
Open Premiere Pro
Log in to an iMac
Open Creative Cloud in your dock
Under the "Apps" tab, find Premiere Pro
Click "Open" to the right
Click "New Project"
Name Project
Next to "Project name" in the top left, name your project: "Demo Reel"
Find and Import Summative Videos & Music
Click "Home" > "My Drive" > "Video Production 2"
Choose 15 shots that you operated the camera for (your face should not be in your demo reel)
Locate your music file and select.
Click "Create"
Arrange & Trim Videos
Arrange your videos so that you are starting with your strongest, most captivating work
Using the Ripple Edit Tool, trim your videos.
Align your video transitions with beats/transitions in the music.
Add a Slate (Text Layer)
Make sure nothing is selected.
Move your playhead to the end of your video
Create a text layer (Graphics and Titles > New Layer > Text)
Type the following:
Your Full Name
Video Production 2
2024-2025 Trimester 2
Export Your Video
Click the "Export" tab
Name it "Last Name, Demo Reel" (ex: Hodges, Demo Reel)
Double-click on the blue hyperlink next to "Location" and in the pop-up navigate to "My Drive" > "My Drive" > "Video Production 2" > "Demo Reel"
Click Export in the bottom right corner.
Screenshot Editing Timeline
Screenshot your editing timeline area:
On your keyboard click "cmd" + "shift" + "5" at the same time to bring up the screenshot screen
Adjust the rectangle around your timeline and click capture
Move your screenshot to "My Drive" > "Video Production 2" > "Demo Reel"
Submit Final Portfolio
Submit Google Drive Link to Canvas
In Finder:
Right-click on "Video Production" and click "Copy link to clipboard"
Paste the link in Canvas.