Illustrator & Adobe Fonts

Adobe Illustrator

Open Creative Cloud

Create a New File

Save As

When you save to Creative Cloud, you save on the cloud and not to the computer. Illustrator will then save your file every 5 minutes.

Your Artboard

The white rectangle on your screen is your "Artboard" (aka your page, canvas, etc.)

Fill & Stroke (Color)

In Illustrator you can change the color of the inside and outline of an object.

Create a Background  with the Rectangle Tool

Rename Layer and Create a New Layer

Create Text with the Type Tool

Change the Size, Leading, and Tracking

Change the Font

Go to Adobe Fonts

Via Chrome/Safari:

Via Adobe Creative Cloud:

Activate 5 Fonts

Use the 5 fonts in Illustrator

In Illustrator:


Because your file is saved on Creative Cloud, it will be a ".aic" file - this means Illustrator saves your file every 5 minutes.

Save as a PDF

Submit Google Drive Link to Canvas

In Finder: