Intro to Premiere Pro
Set Up Finder
Go to your Finder in your dock.
Select the "Columns" icon or choose "as Columns" in the dropdown list.
Select "Kind" the next dropdown to the right.
Add Sample Media To Your Drive
Open Finder
On the left side, scroll down to "Location" and click "Google Drive" (NOT "My Drive")
Click "Shared drives" > "Video Production 1"
Right-click on "Intro to Premiere Pro" and click "Copy"
Go to "My Drive" > "Video Production"
Right-click in the blank space and click "New Folder"
Name the new folder "3 - Premiere Pro"
In the new folder, right-click in the blank space and click "Paste Item"
Open Premiere Pro
Open Creative Cloud in your dock
Under the "Apps" tab, find Premiere Pro
Click "Open" to the right
New Project
Click "New Project"
Adjust the "Project name" to: "Intro"
For Project Location:
Click "Choose Location..."
Navigate to "My Drive" > "Video Production" > "3 - Premiere Pro" > "Formatives"
Click "Choose"
Select the 4 Videos
Click "Home" on the left menu
Double-click the "My Drive"
Double-click and navigate to "Video Production" > "3 - Premiere Pro" > "Formatives"
Check the 4 videos.
Click "Create"
When your project opens in the "Edit" screen, it should look similar to this.
Top left: Once you click on a video, you'll see all the effects
Top right: View your sequence
Bottom left: View your imported media
Bottom right: Edit your sequence
What is a Sequence?
An assembly of video clips and other media.
A project may contain multiple sequences, and each sequence can have its own settings.
Within a single project, you can edit individual segments as separate sequences, and then combine the segments into a finished program by nesting them into a longer sequence. Similarly, you can store variations of your edit, as separate sequences in the same project.
Trim a Clip with the selection tool
In the bottom-right panel, click on the pointer icon (top tool) or click "V" on your keyboard.
Then click on the first video in your sequence (the first purple rectangle with the text "For")
Hover your pointer over the right end of the clip until you see the red arrow/bracket show up.
Click and drag the edge to the left to trim the clip.
Trim the clip so that it is reduced to 3 seconds.
Notice how there is now a gab in your video?
Trim a Clip with the Ripple Edit Tool
In the bottom-right panel, click on the double arrows icon (third tool icon down) or click "B" on your keyboard
Then click on the second video in your sequence (the second purple rectangle with the text "Oce")
Hover your pointer over the right end of the clip until you see the yellow arrow/bracket show up.
Click and drag the edge to the left to trim the clip.
Trim the clip so that it is reduced to 3 seconds.
Notice how there is no gab where you just edited? This is because of the Ripple Edit Tool.
Trim a Clip with the Razor Tool
In the bottom-right panel, click on the razor icon (fourth tool icon down) or click "C" on your keyboard
Hover your pointer over the middle of the third clip in your sequence (third purple rectangle) until you see the white razor pop up
Click to cut in half.
In the bottom-right panel, click on the pointer icon (top tool) or click "V" on your keyboard.
Click on the second half of the clip you just cut in half
Click "delete" on your keyboard.
Notice how there is now a gab in your video?
Ripple Delete the Gaps
Hold down "command" on your keyboard.
Right-click on the first gap in your video.
Click "Ripple Delete" to delete the gap.
Repeat for the second gap.
Trim the Last Clip with the selection tool
In the bottom-right panel, click on the pointer icon (top tool) or click "V" on your keyboard.
Then click on the last video in your sequence (the last purple rectangle)
Hover your pointer over the right end of the clip until you see the red arrow/bracket show up.
Click and drag the edge to the left to trim the clip.
Trim the clip so that it is reduced to 3 seconds.
Watch Your Sequence
In your top-right panel, click the play icon (triangle)
Watch the now 12-second video sequence
Save Your Project
In the top menu, click "File" > "Save"
Screenshot Editing Timeline
Screenshot your editing timeline area:
On your keyboard click "cmd" + "shift" + "5" at the same time to bring up the screenshot screen
Adjust the rectangle around your timeline and click capture
Move SCreenshot
Move your screenshot to your "My Drive" > "3- Premiere Pro" > "Formatives" folder
Export Your Video
In the top tabs, click "Export"
Rename the "File Name" to "Intro"
Double-click on the blue hyperlink next to "Location" In the pop-up:
In the "Where" area, select "My Drive" > "3- Premiere Pro" > "Formatives"
Click "Save"
Click "Export" in the bottom right corner.
Submit Google Drive Link to Canvas
In Finder:
Right-click on "Video Production" and click "Copy link to clipboard"
Paste the link in Canvas.