Summative: Display FonT & Poster
Project Brief
Design a DISPLAY font and create a poster in Illustrator.
Remember, for a font to be a display font, it must be decorative/illustrative and so detailed that it is hard to read at small sizes (AKA: not your handwriting font).
You must also use the 4 lines correctly so that your cap height and baseline are consistent.
Copy the Illustrator Template
On your iMac: Go to the Display Font Poster Template:
Click "Sign in" (unless already signed in)
Click "Copy to Files"
Open Illustrator and the file will be there.
Think of a Theme or Style
Think of a theme or style to tie your display font together and make it unique.
Display font: illustrative and complex, so much so that it can't be read at small sizes.
Save the Template & Open Fresco
On your iPad, open Adobe Fresco
Start a new document: tap "+ Create new"
Tap "Letter"
Save the template photo on the right to your photos
Upload the photo to Fresco.
Draw your Characters
This step should take you around 2 class days.
Draw each character in each individual box according to the theme or style that you chose.
Make sure to keep a consistent cap height, x-height, baseline, and descender line.
Only black will appear on your font.
Quick Export
Click the export icon
Click "Quick export"
Click "AirDrop"
On IMac: Turn on AirDrop
On your iMac open Finder
Go to "AirDrop"
Make sure it says "Everyone" (click "No One" to change)
Find iMac Name & Airdrop
Look for the sticker on the bottom right of your iMac that says "AirDrop Name"
If there is no sticker:
From the Launchpad, open System Settings and go to "Bluetooth"
Find "Now discoverable as: _______"
iPad: Look for that name on your iPad's AirDrop and tap to send.
Accept File on iMac
iMac: Click "Accept" on your iMac
Your photo will be saved to your "Downloads" folder in Finder
Log in to your Calligraphr Account
On your iMac:
Go to:
Log in. (You should already have an account from the Handwriting Font assignment)
Delete Your Handwriting Font
In Calligraphr click "MY FONTS" in the top left purple menu bar
Click the three dots in the gray menu bar and click "Delete Font" (you can only have one font at a time).
Upload Template Photos
Click "Upload Template" in gray menu bar
Click "Choose File" and locate the template photos.
Uncheck "Automatically clean templates"
Once it is finished processing, click "ADD CHARACTERS TO YOUR FONT"
[If needed] Adjust Baseline/Size
If you drew your letters correctly, you might not have to do this step. Just double-check that your cap height and baseline are consistent.
Click on a character and then click "ADJUST BASELINE/SIZE"
Adjust the baseline and size so that your letters are consistent across the cap-height, x-height, baseline and descender lines.
Repeat as needed with other characters.
Download Font
Click "Build Font"
Rename: Choose a name for your font based on the theme.
Click "BUILD"
Click on the file ending with ".otf" to download.
Add .OFT File to Google Drive
Set Up Finder
Go to your Finder in your dock.
Select the "Columns" icon or choose "as Columns" in the dropdown list.
Select "Kind" the next dropdown to the right.
Open "3 - Typography" & Move .otf File
Open up "My Drive" and navigate to your "Graphic Design" > "3 - Typography"
Right-click on "Downloads" and click "Open in New Tab"
Drag the .otf file to the "3 - Typgoraphy" tab.
Install Font
Double-click on the .otf file and click "Install Font"
Choose Your Favorite Letter
Use your selection took and select the "Aa" text box
In the right-side panel under "Properties" change the font to your created font.
Replace the "Aa" with the uppercase and lowercase versions of your favorite letter from your font.
Replace Font Name
Use your selection took and select the "Font Name" text box
In the right-side panel under "Properties" change the font to your created font.
Replace the "Font Name" with your font's name.
Reduce the size until your font name goes from the left side margin to the right side margin.
Replace Words
Select the "Word, Word, Word" text box.
In the right-side panel under "Properties" change the font to your created font.
Think of three words, related to your font's theme/style, to replace the "Word, Word, Word"
Reduce/increase the size until the three words go from the left side margin to the right side margin.
Set Characters to Font
Select the characters text box.
In the right-side panel under "Properties" change the font to your created font.
Reduce/increase the size until the characters fit from the left side margin to the right side margin.
Adjust the leading to your liking.
Illustrator automatically defaults to 120%. (You will need to type the size and leading size in your reflection)
Adjust the tracking to your liking.
Illustrator automatically defaults to 0 (You will need to type the tracking # in your reflection)
Find a Text Font & Fill in the Paragraph
The bottom paragraph should not be in your font.
Select the text box with the written paragraph.
Choose a TEXT FONT that you think works well with your created display font.
Remember a text font is easily readable at 8-12 pt. font and therefore is usually fairly simple and boring.
Replace the "--name of your font--", "---your name--", and "----" with your own words to complete the paragraph.
Choose a Color
Click on the gray rectangle.
Double-click the gray square on the bottom of the left toolbar to open the "Color Picker"
Save as a PDF File
Go to "File" > "Save As..."
Click "Save on your computer"
Click the down arrow to the right of "Where"
Choose "My Drive" > "Graphic Design" > "3 - Typography"
Change the Format to "Adobe PDF (pdf)"
Click "Save"
Click "Save PDF"
reflection Questions
Create a Google Doc in your Portfolio
Open Google Drive on your iPad
Navigate to your "Graphic Design" folder then "3 - Typography"
Click the "+" in the bottom right and click Google Docs.
Respond to The Reflection Questions
Copy and paste these questions into your Google Doc and answer them.
What is your font size for your characters text box?
What is your leading size for your characters text box?
What is the tracking of your characters text box?
Submit Google Drive Link to Canvas
In Finder:
Right-click on "Graphic Design" and click "Copy link to clipboard"
Paste the link in Canvas.