Summative: Display FonT & Poster

Project Brief

Design a DISPLAY font and create a poster in Illustrator.

Remember, for a font to be a display font, it must be decorative/illustrative and so detailed that it is hard to read at small sizes (AKA: not your handwriting font). 

You must also use the 4 lines correctly so that your cap height and baseline are consistent.

Copy the Illustrator Template

Think of a Theme or Style

Save the Template & Open Fresco

Draw your Characters

This step should take you around 2 class days.

Quick Export

On IMac: Turn on AirDrop

Find iMac Name & Airdrop

Accept File on iMac

Log in to your Calligraphr Account

On your iMac:

Delete Your Handwriting Font

Upload Template Photos

[If needed] Adjust Baseline/Size

If you drew your letters correctly, you might not have to do this step. Just double-check that your cap height and baseline are consistent.

Download Font

Add .OFT File to Google Drive

Set Up Finder

Open "3 - Typography" & Move .otf File

Install Font

Choose Your Favorite Letter

Replace Font Name

Replace Words

Set Characters to Font

Find a Text Font & Fill in the Paragraph

The bottom paragraph should not be in your font.

Choose a Color

Save as a PDF File

reflection Questions

Create a Google Doc in your Portfolio

Respond to The Reflection Questions

Copy and paste these questions into your Google Doc and answer them.

Submit Google Drive Link to Canvas

In Finder:

"I'm Done"

Bored? Check out the "I'm Done" activities.