Control/Studio Practice


Script for Anchors

Anchor A: Good morning, Eagles! Today is (date). I'm (name).

Anchor B: And I'm (name) here with your GK News.

Anchor A: Just last night, something newsworthy happened. There is a lot more information that I am telling you now. Also here is some more information. And some more details.

Anchor B: Thanks, (other anchor's name). Early this morning something else newsworthy happened. There is a lot more information that I am telling you now. Also here is some more information. And some more details.

Anchor A: Well we've been your hosts. I'm (name).

Anchor B: And I'm (name).

Both Anchors: And this has been your GK News. Kawkaw!

Script: Cues for Tech. Director (Simple)

Intro: CAM 2 (Middle)

BG 2 / 6: Set Camera 6 to "Program"

"Camera 2 live in 5,4,3,2,1"

Anchor A: Good morning, Eagles! Today is (date). I'm (name).

Anchor B: And I'm (name) here with your GK News.

Story 1: CAM 3 (Anchor A)

BLACK / 7: Set Camera 7 to "Program"

"Camera 3"

Anchor A: Just last night, something newsworthy happened. There is a lot more information that I am telling you now. Also here is some more information. And some more details.

Story 2: CAM 1 (Anchor B)

BG 1 / 5: Set Camera 5 to "Program"

"Camera 1"

Anchor B: Thanks, (other anchor's name). Early this morning something else newsworthy happened. There is a lot more information that I am telling you now. Also here is some more information. And some more details.

Outro: CAM 2 (Middle)

BG 2 / 6: Set Camera 6 to "Program"

"Camera 2"

Anchor A: Well we've been your hosts. I'm (name).

Anchor B: And I'm (name).

Both Anchors: And this has been your GK News. Kawkaw!

Script:Cues for Tech. Director (W/ Graphics & Preview)

Intro: CAM 2 (Middle)

Set Camera 6 in "Program"

Set Camera 7 in "Preview"

FTB: (fade to black)

"Camera 2 live in 5,4,3,2,1"

FTB: (fade from black)

Anchor A: Good morning, Eagles! 

DSK 1 AUTO: (fade in LowerThird graphic)

Anchor A: Today is (date). I'm (name).

Anchor B: And I'm (name) here with your GK News.

DSK 1 AUTO: (fade out LowerThird graphic)

"Camera 3"

AUTO: Crossfade from Camera 6 to Camera 7

BG 1 / 5: Set Camera 5 in "Preview"

Story 1: CAM 3 (Anchor A)

Anchor A: Just last night, something newsworthy happened. 

DSK 2 AUTO (fade in OTS graphic)

Anchor A: There is a lot more information that I am telling you now. Also here is some more information. And some more details.

DSK 2 AUTO (fade out OTS graphic)

"Camera 1"

AUTO: Crossfade from Camera 7 to Camera 5

BG 1 / 6: Set Camera 6 in "Preview"

Story 2: CAM 1 (Anchor B)

Anchor B: Thanks, (other anchor's name). Early this morning something else newsworthy happened. 

DSK 2 AUTO (fade in OTS graphic)

Anchor B: There is a lot more information that I am telling you now. Also here is some more information. And some more details.

DSK 2 AUTO (fade out OTS graphic)

"Camera 2"

AUTO: Crossfade from Camera 5 to Camera 6

Outro: CAM 2 (Middle)

Anchor A: Well we've been your hosts.

DSK 1 AUTO: (fade in LowerThird graphic)

Anchor A: I'm (name).

Anchor B: And I'm (name).

Both Anchors: And this has been your GK News. Kawkaw!

DSK 1 AUTO: (fade out LowerThird graphic)

FTB: (fade to black)