SUMMATIVE: Concert Poster

Project Brief

Create an 11x17 concert poster for a musician/band to show your understanding of the principles of design. You will make up a concert date and location.

Pick a Musician/Band

Photo w/ Background Removed

Find a High-Quality Image

Save a Photo

Go to Adobe Express and Sign in

Upload Image & Download

Create a New Illustrator File

Save as .aic File

Make Your Guides

Make 1" Margin Guides

Make Rule of Thirds Grid Guides

Make Center Axis Guide

Lock Your Guides

Create a Background  with the Rectangle Tool

Rename Layer and Create a New Layer

Create Text with the Type Tool

Activate an Adobe Font

If you don't have a font you want to use:

Use Your Activated Font

In Illustrator:

Create Text Hierarchy

Add Your Image

Add Drawn/Traced Elements

Use Principles of Design & Make Your Poster Unique

Mrs. Hodges' Example:

Save Your Poster

Because your file is saved on Creative Cloud, it will be a ".aic" file - this means Illustrator saves your file every 5 minutes.

Save As PDF

Check & Submit Google Drive

Check that you have the following 2 files to your "5 - Principles" Google Drive folder: