Video Production 1
Video Production 1 gives students the opportunity to learn the basics of video production including basic writing, video, audio, lighting and editing. Students will work to produce and edit projects. After completing the course, students will be prepared for Video Productions 2 or Media Design and Production.
This is a Career and Technical Education course within the Arts and Communications Pathway. You can learn more about the program on the Bethel SD website.
Course Materials
Earbuds or headphones (optional)
Your School Apple iPad
Adobe Creative Cloud subscription provided
Video equipment available for use during class
Apple Mac desktop available in class
Course Objectives
Following completion of this course, students will be able to:
Identify basic camera functions, elements and types; select the proper framing of a video shot, manipulate the picture depth factors, and operate the camera motion for fluid, controlled footage.
Apply effective team communication and management skills to complete the video process from pre-production script development through the production capture of quality video image and audio.
Evaluate and reshoot, if necessary, original footage as dictated by the scene/script message based on its variety of coverage, quality of performance, and continuity.
Course Outline
Adobe Premiere Rush
Composition and Exposure
The Video Production Camera
Production Sound
Lighting & Grip
Production Management
Careers in Media
Grading Policy
All assignments are either formative or summative:
Summative (100% of grade): Unit/Lesson final projects/tests
Formative (0% of grade): Practice
Please Note: Scores are based on attainment of standards. So for example, a student may earn a 1 out of 4 on their first formative assignment for a standard, because they have never practiced the skill before. This is why formative assignments do not count towards grades. It is a measure to track growth.
Each assignment will be aligned with at least one National CTE standard or Washington State standard. Standards will be scored individually on each assessment, based on four-point rubrics. These scores are on the 4-0 point scale.
Late Work: Assignments are scored at a 0 until turned in. The date on which assessments are turned in will not impact scores.
Letter Grades: 4-0 scores will be translated to the A-F grading scale on Synergy via the scale on the right:
Course Expectations
Students are expected to be in class, engaged, and respectful at all times.
Phones are only to be used during passing period and lunch. Students get one reminder and then Mrs. Hodges will call security to come pick up the phone. This is a school-wide policy. For more info, please review the GK Student Handbook.
School technology may only be used for school related purposes (computer games, not a part of the curriculum, are not allowed). Students get one reminder and if use continues, a minor referral* will be documented. For more info, please review the Bethel SD Internet Policy.
Academic Integrity is paramount. Please review standards of academic integrity, examples of cheating and the list of prohibited content on the class website.
Tardies are marked in Synergy as such. Tardies that are greater than 10 minutes will be documented as a minor referral*.
Leaving class early without an official pass will be documented as a minor referral*.
10-10-Rule: Students may not leave class within 10 minutes of the start or end bell of the class. This is to help administrators in the halls who are making sure everyone gets to class.
Bathroom: Students are encouraged to go to the bathroom during lunch and passing period. If needed during class, students get 5 bathroom passes (starting 9/19) for the trimester. If a student is out of class longer than 10 minutes, it will be documented as a minor referral*.
Water Fountain: If needed, students may go to the water fountain right outside the classroom door. If a student is out of class longer than 5 minutes, it will be documented as a minor referral*.
Counseling Center: If a student needs to see their counselor, they need to schedule an appointment on the GK Counseling Center webpage.
*Minor referrals are a way for individual teachers to document what is going on in their classroom so that administrators can evaluate student behavior across all classes. It does not automatically mean discipline.
Dual Credit
You can earn Community/Technical College credit at the same time you earn high school credit by completing the Graphic Design courses with a "C" grade or better. Dual Credit provides students with the potential to earn high school and college credit at the same time. If you are interested in signing up for Dual Credit for this course, please contact your teacher.
About the Instructor: Mrs. Hodges
Hello! Prior to starting teaching, I worked in the communications industry for 8 years, creating videography, graphic design, web design, social media, and photography work. I graduated from the University of Washington and Puyallup High School. This is my first year teaching at GKHS and my second year teaching overall. I recently moved back to Puyallup, after living in the Vancouver area, and like to spend my time outdoors with Spud (our dog) and Mr. Hodges.
Where to find Help
Special Education Resources: Contact your Case Manager
Technical Help: Bethel School District Technology Support
Academic Support: Attend your classes and ask your teacher for help.
Quick Guide on How to Turn in Assignments on Canvas with your iPad
Canvas Student Guides: Answers to frequently asked Canvas questions