
Interviewing Tips


Usually, in the professional world, you are interviewing someone for a specific story, not just choosing a person and finding a story. However, for this project, you will be choosing someone to interview and then figuring out what your interview will be about. This will start by getting to know who you are interviewing. You are looking for passion, emotion, and tension - as this is what is most engaging to the audience.

You want to have this direction prior to filming anything. So start with a pre-interview.

Question Examples

Decide on a Direction/Focus

Once you have gotten to know the person you're interviewing better, now it's time to decide on a focus/direction. This is the story you will hope to tell with your final interview questions. Remember you're not trying to tell their entire life story. You want to focus on something specific.


Maybe when you interview your peer, they talk about how they play basketball. They tell you about how they have played basketball their entire life, but it's not something they are super enthusiastic about. Then they happen to mention how good they are at PokemonGo. Their eyes light up and they talk passionately about it. You ask more questions about PokemonGo and you can tell that there is a good story there. This is what you could focus your interview on. 

Draft Interview Questions

Now that you have a direction/focus, you'll want to draft interview questions to ask while filming their response. Remember you want to focus on emotion so ask why questions not yes/no questions. The number of questions you ask will depend on your video's length requirement.

Example Questions

Interview Set-Up

6 Minute Explanation

12 Minute Explanation

Filming B-Roll

B-roll footage helps to break up the talking head shots and provide visual interest to the video. Use b-roll footage that is relevant to the interview and helps to support the story that you are telling.

Example B-Roll Shots

Documentary Interview Example

The Queen of Basketball