SUMMATIVE: Raster Collage


Create a digital collage (a bunch of photos/drawings combined together in a composition) in Adobe Fresco including:


After submitting, the class will vote on the best collages via a Google Form. Top-voted collages will be displayed in the hallway.

Past Student Examples

Copyright & Fair Use

The following is from the Graphic Artists Guild.

"Collage is a time-honored art form that utilizes pre-existing materials, including artwork and photographs. Often the materials will be copyrighted... There is no legal rule on whether collage as a category would be fair use. It will depend in each case on an evaluation of the four fair use factors with respect to the particular collage."

Collages that have more of the following characteristics are more likely to qualify as fair use:

Create an 11x17 Canvas in Fresco

Create a Background

Remove The Backgrounds of 4 Photos & Add

Trace 2 Photos - Raster Photorealism

Arrange Images on Your Canvas

Add Additional Painted Elements

Publish & Export PDF

Save Timelapse Video

Submit to Canvas